Class of 2024 Senior Salutes


Class of 2024Senior Salutes recognizes and celebrates a number of Aquinas seniors that were nominated due to their efforts in the classroom, across campus, and in the community. These seniors show why it's great to be a Saint! 

Senior Salute: Kadynce Romjin
Senior Salute: Mariela Aguilar
Senior Salute: Laura Krueger
Senior Salute: Jean Tissot
Senior Salute: Grace Maguire
Senior Salute: Ernesto Lopez


Kadynce Romijn

Kadynce RomijnHometown: La Salle, Manitoba, Canada
High School: Sanford Collegiate
Major: Mathematics
Minor: Sustainable Business

What brought you to Aquinas College?
Being a prospective recruit for the Women's Hockey team is what initially brought me to Aquinas College. I was invited to the Spectrum Scholarship Competition, and I almost didn't attend because I had a showcase tournament that same weekend. After asking the coach at the time what my chances were for winning one of the scholarships, she told me they were zero if I didn't try. That advice encouraged me to attend the competition, and I will be forever grateful for it!

A week later I received a call from the President of Aquinas College notifying me that I was the winner of the Spectrum Scholarship Competition and thus selected to be the recipient of the Jerome C. Byrne Full Tuition and Room Scholarship. This made it possible for me to afford school in the U.S. and is ultimately what brought me to Aquinas College: not only the scholarship itself, but the knowledge that I would be receiving my education from an institution that values its students and their experience.

What is your favorite thing or favorite memory about Aquinas?
I absolutely love how close the Aquinas College community is. Not only amongst the students specifically, but with our faculty and staff as well. The random encounters, activities, and adventures I've experienced have always been my favorite thing about Aquinas.

How has your experience at Aquinas shaped you?
Coming from a small, rural town in central Canada, I felt so uncertain without the past seventeen years of my life defining me. I had so much to learn and more freedom than I could comprehend; but Aquinas provided me with the space I needed to explore who I was and become who I wanted to be. My experience challenged me in so many ways, and with the support of those around me I was empowered to embrace every bit of it. 

What do you hope to do after leaving Aquinas? What are your career goals?
I plan to continue my career working in sustainability in agriculture! For almost two years I've worked at the largest agribusiness company in the world and I currently manage all the sustainability data for our Canadian operations.

I hope to continue my work in pioneering sustainability in the commerical agriculture space, aiming to develop programs for sustainable commodities; enhance the implementation of innovative nutrient management practices; and establish supply chain transparency across North America. With these goals in mind, my dream would be to establish a norm within the industry in which consumers know where and how their food was grown!

Is there anybody you would like to thank? 
I wouldn't have gotten anywhere without the friends I've made along the way, and there are a few I would like to thank first.

To my two best friends, roommates, teammates, and fellow graduates Anna Castle and McKenna Kaczor - you have been the best part of my college experience. I love you both so, so much, and I can't wait to see all that you will accomplish. Also thank-you to our roommate Carley, who got us through our last year together in one piece. 

To my fellow senior being saluted, Vice-Chair of the Student Senate, and close friend Jean Tissot - we made it! Thank you for supporting me, for challenging me, and for being by my side these last four years. 

To my close friend and first-year roommate Al Poremba - you are truly a kindred soul unlike any other. You've helped me grow so much and I will forever be grateful for our friendship.

To my friends Cesar, Tony, Grant, Luke, and Conrad - you are all such incredible people. I've never met a more witty, inspiring, and hard-working group. Thank-you for bringing so much joy in my life.

I would also like to thank my teammates, past and current, for making my last four years of competitive sport so memorable. Thank-you to Coach Matthew Bland, for believing in me and supporting me throughout the last year of my athletic career.

Thank-you to my fellow members of the Student Senate, who went above and beyond in their hard work and dedication this year. Especially to my fellow Executive Board members, Jean and McKenna, as well as Katy and Fiona who will be leading the Student Senate next year. You are all incredibly inspiring and capable leaders in your own right, and I can't wait to see what will be accomplished next year! Huge thank-you to our advisor Brigid Avery, who has been the best advocate and support that we could ask for.

Thank-you to all the faculty and staff who have supported me along this journey. There are so many who have made a difference in my life and for who I am incredibly grateful for. I would like to thank Dr. McDaniel, Dr. Fox, Professor Foley, Dr. McCluskey, and Jessica Eimer-Bowen specifically for your teachings, mentorship, and encouragement.

Last but not least, thank-you to my family for being so incredibly supportive these last four years. I am grateful beyond measure for my parents Gary & Dee Romijn, who are some of the most hardworking, inspiring, and outgoing people I know. 

To my Dad - you worked so hard for me to have every opportunity. You have always been my biggest advocate, motivator, and mentor in all that I do. You've supported me not only by believing in me, but by empowering me to take risks, pursue my passions, and to aim higher than I thought possible. 

To my Mom - you are my example of what hard work and a good attitude can accomplish. You always emphasized the importance of those values, and they've been my best and most reliable guide throughout college.

Thank-you to my brother and lifelong friend, Tristan Romijn, whose brilliance has amazed me for as long as I can remember. 

Finally, thank-you to my grandparents Henry & Theresa Romijn, who will be making the sixteen-hour drive to watch their first grandchild graduate. If I am to carry on any legacy, I hope it to be the love and kindness that you both share.

There are so many others that I've not included here who deserve my deepest appreciation. If you're reading this, please know that I am so grateful for you and the time we have spent together. I will miss you more than you know, and I hope that our paths cross again.

What advice would you give to incoming Aquinas students?
1) Make friends.
2) Make more friends.
3) Never stop making friends.

Aquinas is a place where you will find your people. You'll grow, and you'll change, and they'll be with you every step of the way. College is a transformative and beautiful experience - albeit sometimes stressful - and your friends are the ones who will pick you up and push you forward. Recognize your appreciation for them, and don't forget to remind them of it too. Surround yourself with people who support you, who challenge you, but above all with those who love you - you'll be just fine.

In your words, why is it great to be an AQ Saint?
While I sat thinking about how to answer this question, I heard my roommates laughing and talking; saw friends walking below my window on campus; felt the breeze blowing through, and the fresh smell of spring that came with it; and wow, the sentiment that washed over me was overwhelming. Where else in the world would I ever feel so welcome, so supported, so loved? Home, I suppose, but that's exactly what Aquinas has become. 

Being an AQ Saint means not only that you find your people, but a common home to share with them. St. Thomas Aquinas once said "The things that we love tell us what we are." What are we if not for the love of our campus and our community? That's special, I think. That's what makes being an AQ Saint great.

From Joe Fox, Mathematics Department:
Kadynce is an outstanding student, she is president of the student senate, and she's on the hockey team. She has also done meaningful mathematics research -- she co-authored a peer-reviewed published paper and gave a talk on this research project at a regional conference. She has held a long-standing internship doing data analysis for a big company. She is also very personable and an ideal ambassador for the college.

From Brigid Avery, Advantage Center:
Kadynce is AQ's Student Senate chair and does so with integrity, grace and grit. She holds down an internship at Cargill and a part-time position in the Center for Sustainability as well as a prominent role on our Women's hockey team.

From Jessica Eimer Bowen, Center for Sustainability:
Kadynce represents all of the best qualities of an AQ Saint. She successfully balances good grades, leadership in student senate, AQ women's hockey, and internships. I truly don't know when she finds time to sleep. I worked with Kadynce during her entire college career, beginning as a Freshman sustainability liason for student senate, ending as a student worker in the Center for Sustainability. She is an extraordinary student, filled with kindness, empathy, and a solid work ethic, who is committed to creating a more sustainable future. Watch out world....Kadynce is ready to spread her wings!


Mariela Aguilar

Mariela AguilarHometown: Grand Rapids, MI
High School: Wellspring Preparatory High School
Majors: Business Administration & Communication

What brought you to Aquinas College?
I really wanted to attend a smaller college in hopes of developing close relationships with different people and having the opportunity to find myself without the overwhelming feeling of being in a big setting.

What is your favorite thing or favorite memory about Aquinas?
Handing out flowers this year and last year all around campus for International Women's Day.

How has your experience at Aquinas shaped you?
I have met many people who have uplifted me and encouraged me to reach for my goals, but also have learned to use my voice to share my experiences and advocate for those whose voices go unnoticed or unheard.

What do you hope to do after leaving Aquinas? What are your career goals?
I would love to work at a non-profit or something that is very community-oriented. I would also love to work at Spotify or something related to music. 

Is there anybody you would like to thank? 
Esperanza Garcia, Esmeralda Ruiz, Valentina Garcia, Yesenia Bernal, Amy Dunham-Strand, Satya (Jen) Lendrum, Nisha VanLaar, Hannah Bechtold, Brigid Avery, Mallory Miller, Ashley Rodriguez, Dave Weinandy, Brad Keuning, Kyle Hull, Dan Mancilla. My niece, my close friends on & off campus, my family, and my dad.

What advice would you give to incoming Aquinas students?
To branch out as much as you can, create a community that best suits you within campus, put an emphasis on what you love to do, and advocate for what you believe in and advocate for others.

In your words, why is it great to be an AQ Saint?
I have been able to take on roles I would have never pictured myself in before. It is important to have representation everywhere in all forms, and that is what AQ has let me do. 

From Yesenia Bernal-Alcala, TRIO SSS/CORE:
As a first-generation college student Mariela was able to use AQ resources to graduate early while maintaining a 3.9 GPA! Outside of the classroom, Mariela has been deeply involved in diversity and equity initiatives to ensure all students feel welcomed at AQ. During her time, she has participated in the following opportunities:

  • Revitalized the Commuter Union on campus so commuter students stay engaged at AQ
  • Studied abroad semester in Italy. She was the first in her family to travel to another continent!
  • Vice President of Latinx Student Association at AQ
  • Intern at the Women's Center on Campus where she executes programming for students, staff, and faculty
  • A Building Bridge Through Education Fellow at the West Michigan Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
  • TRIO SSS participant and Peer Mentor where she helps other first-gen students get acclimated to higher education
  • Fall Break trip with the AQ Advantage Center

Mariela is an outstanding Saint at AQ and is always connecting students to AQ & college resources in the community.


Laura Krueger

Laura KruegerHometown: Traverse City, MI
High School: Saint Francis High School
Majors: Theology and Philosophy Major
Minors: Irish Studies

What brought you to Aquinas College?
There were two big things that brought me to Aquinas College: its Dominican heritage and the AQ Drumline! I knew I wanted to go to a Catholic college, and when I learned about Aquinas, I was drawn to the Dominican pillars of Prayer, Study, Community, and Service it holds as its mission. These are all things I wanted to have as central to my college experience, and Aquinas College has allowed for that. Especially the community in the AQ Drumline, which I was involved in since day one. The Drumline has been a huge experience of joy and friendship for me. Playing at Lacrosse and Soccer games, and even Saints Slam, was some of the most fun I have had these last four years!

What is your favorite thing or favorite memory about Aquinas?
My favorite thing about Aquinas is the vast range of experiences you can have, across many subject fields. I have been able to present my poetry at The Symposium on the True, Good, & Beautiful, attend Theological Lectures at the Annual Aquinas Lecture Series, studied abroad in Ireland, and have been a part of many band and choir ensembles! This list doesn't even scratch the surface of all the opportunities I've had at Aquinas. This is my favorite thing because it has allowed me to flourish in every part of my being, in my Catholic faith, academics, talents, leadership skills, and has broadened my perspective of all the possibilities in the world.

How has your experience at Aquinas shaped you?
My experiences in the Philosophy and Theology departments at Aquinas have shaped me into a pursuer of the Truth. The concepts I've learned in lectures have equipped me with the tools necessary to continue this journey. Ultimately it is the faculty of these departments that have witnessed the importance of the Truth that have shaped me, especially Dr. Wagner, Dr. Davis, and Dr. Marshall. In each lesson, they have strived to relay the Goodness that is Christ and have seamlessly united it with academic study. The faculty have personally worked alongside me to guide my studies and have truly been there every step of the way to help. I hope to one day inspire students the way they have inspired me.

What do you hope to do after leaving Aquinas? What are your career goals?
After leaving Aquinas, I hope to attend graduate studies in Theology and Philosophy. Ultimately, my goals are to teach these studies and promote the importance of an education inspired by them. I'd love to teach Latin and Greek too. I also aim to continue my Irish Studies, and maybe one day lead a group of students in their own study abroad experience in Ireland!

Is there anybody you would like to thank? 
I'd like to thank my mom and my sister, all the ladies at Meijer Hall, Dr. Wagner, Dr. Davis, Dr. Marshall, Dr. DeRose, Jeff Coon, Ted Craig, Fr. Bob, Fr. Jordan, and all those staff who take care of our beautiful campus.

What advice would you give to incoming Aquinas students?
Pray for courage! Courage to face your fears head-on and do the hard things. The most difficult things you do will be the most rewarding. Don't spend these years in fear, but take life by the reins and strive for excellence! You were not made for comfort, but for greatness, and by the grace of God you can achieve it!

In your words, why is it great to be an AQ Saint?
Being a Saint means you are an important part of a loving community, one which you make better and which makes you better in return. We are greater than the sum of our parts, because of the wonderful things we do together. Being a Saint means being a student of the world, educating yourself, and understanding how interconnected we all are. Being a Saint is being socially responsible, seeking to do good, and being proud of it. And I am proud to be a Saint.

From Dr. Michelle DeRose, English Department:
Laura Krueger is an amazing and amazingly gifted student. She majors in Theology and Philosophy--areas of study for which she learned Latin and Greek here so she could read texts in their original language--but she has also been among the strongest students in all the classes she's had with me, all of them out of her major. Her creative writing in two genres will be published in the Sampler, and she was instrumental in the publication of "Where We Left Our Last Few Words: 50 Years in Tully Cross" because she did all the layout. Everything she does, she does with total effort and optimism.


Jean Tissot

Jean TissotHometown: Annecy, France
High School: Lycée Louis Lachenal
Majors: Business, International Studies, German

What brought you to Aquinas College?
I wanted to go to a school in which students were supported and experienced a personable and personalized education. The fact that students could have easy access to faculty members, and to on-campus resources is the main reason why I decided to attend. In addition, I found Aquinas' efforts towards sustainability inspiring, and I wanted to be a part of it, as a student but also as a citizen of the world.

What is your favorite thing or favorite memory about Aquinas?
Many moments come to my mind, but I think it would have to be going to the American Model United Nations in Chicago for the second time last fall, with the Aquinas Model-UN team. After three difficult days in session, our efforts and hard work were rewarded when we were selected as one of four delegations to win the conference’s biggest award, competing with delegates representing nearly 150 countries.

How has your experience at Aquinas shaped you?
I have dedicated my time in college to others because I found myself striving to serve my community in every capacity. Aquinas helped me find the path of life I want to follow. I am so very thankful for every opportunity I was presented with, whether it be serving as a Student Senator, working as a peer mentor, or participating in UN or Arab League conferences. They made me a better person, and I truly hope to make a similar impact on others.

What do you hope to do after leaving Aquinas? What are your career goals?
I was accepted into Georgetown University's Masters of Science in Foreign Service in D.C, and intend to commit. I hope to continue my service to others in international instances such as the United Nations or the World Bank. I want to help find compromises between states to guarantee the ultimate safety and dignity of innocent civilian populations, working as a representative for the unrepresented, an advocate for the undefended, where I am needed and wanted.

Is there anybody you would like to thank? 
First and foremost, I want to thank my parents, who sacrificed a lot for me to come and attend Aquinas College, and my Grandparents whom I wish could have seen me graduate. My sisters Marion and Sophie, my girlfriend Laura, and my friends Michael, Flore and Nicole have been most supportive. Kadynce and Brigid have kindly helped me navigate my way through serving on the Student Senate Executive Board and supported me through my college journey. I want to thank every professor I have had at Aquinas, and in particular Professor Curry, Dr. Durham, Professor Foley, Dr. Häusler-Gross, Dr. Hebert, Professor Olive, Professor O’Toole, Professor Orders, and Dr. Polett for their outstanding commitment to student success and for their work. Lastly, I want to thank the Aquinas staff and administration.

What advice would you give to incoming Aquinas students?
Do it all. If you are given opportunities, explore them. You will find yourself liking getting out of your comfort zone and contributing to the betterment of your community. Go study abroad, take music classes, go to conferences, try Model-UN and Model Arab League, run for Senate, become an OL, work on campus, be a peer mentor, volunteer. But most importantly, be kind. Even if it means holding the door for someone, saying hi, smiling at someone, every little difference matters.

In your words, why is it great to be an AQ Saint?
Being a Saint means you are an important part of a loving community, one which you make better and which makes you better in return. We are greater than the sum of our parts, because of the wonderful things we do together. Being a Saint means being a student of the world, educating yourself, and understanding how interconnected we all are. Being a Saint is being socially responsible, seeking to do good, and being proud of it. And I am proud to be a Saint.

Hannah Bechtold, Office of International Programs:
It takes courage and determination to attend college in a different country and navigate the foreign systems. Not only has Jean done that and excelled in his studies, but he has gotten involved in ways that make Aquinas a better place for students and helped bring national recognition to our school through his participation with Model UN. Jean's involvement with Student Senate has been particularly significant as he strived to represent international students' concerns to help make Aquinas a more welcoming and support environment for their specific needs.

Brigid Avery, Advantage Center:
Jean is a brilliant student, Vice Chair of Student Senate and holds leadership positions with Model UN and Model Arab League. He is passionate about politics and ensuring our student body are seen and heard.



Grace Maguire

Grace MaguireHometown: Kalamazoo, Michigan
High School: Kalamazoo Central High School
Majors: Business Administration & Communication
Minors: English with an emphasis in writing

What brought you to Aquinas College?
Aquinas College's esteemed academic standing and renowned softball program drew me in. I sought an environment where I wouldn't be just another face in the crowd, but where my name would be remembered. The appealing ratio of professors to students promised the high-quality education I aspire to attain.

What is your favorite thing or favorite memory about Aquinas?
My favorite aspect of Aquinas is its incredible community, and being just a short distance away from all my closest friends. I owe immense gratitude to the Aquinas Softball Program for bringing together my favorite people in the world.

How has your experience at Aquinas shaped you?
Aquinas College has greatly influenced me, empowering me to embrace my true self without reservation. The rich diversity of perspectives and talents within the Aquinas community provided a nurturing environment where I felt free to express myself in every way. Surrounded by unwavering support, I've been able to explore and grow. Aquinas's wide range of opportunities has continually challenged me, pushing me beyond my perceived limits and revealing the depths of my potential.

What do you hope to do after leaving Aquinas? What are your career goals?
Following summer break, I am eager to begin a career path in marketing, sales, or public relations. My ultimate objective is to ascend to a leadership position such as marketing or sales director. My aspiration is to join a company where I can consistently make a positive impact on others through various means.

Is there anybody you would like to thank? 
I extend my heartfelt gratitude to Dave Weinandy, Dr. Rumohr, Professor O'Toole, Professor Orders, Dr. Mancilla, and Julie Bevins for their unwavering support and for consistently challenging me to reach my fullest potential. To my family, friends, coaches, and teammates, I am deeply thankful for your enduring patience and support throughout these exhilarating yet chaotic four years :)

What advice would you give to incoming Aquinas students?
Challenge yourself, get involved, and be true to yourself. Seize the opportunity to define yourself authentically, rather than conforming to others' expectations. College is about more than just earning a degree and having fun (though those are crucial aspects); it's about acquiring skills and qualities that will enhance your future. I promise, you won't regret it!

In your words, why is it great to be an AQ Saint?
Being an AQ Saint is truly exceptional because the unwavering support never ends. At Aquinas, everyone shares the common goal of achieving greatness, and you'll never feel alone on that journey.  The rich diversity of perspectives and talents within the Aquinas community provided a nurturing environment where I felt free to express myself in every way.

From Julie Bevins, Writing Center-CORE, TRIO SSS:
Grace has worn many leadership hats at the Writing Center: in addition to her excellence as a writing consultant, she served as our Writing Center CORE Intern, as well as our Task Force Liaison. G
race worked with diverse writers: students, faculty, and staff. She made such a positive impression on one of our visiting writers that he offered her an internship at his company.  She is personable, adaptable, and passionate about working with others to improve written texts, timelines, presentations, projects--anything! She is a gifted communicator and collaborative developer.



Ernesto Lopez

Ernesto LopezHometown: Miami, Florida
High School: Barbara Goleman Senior High
Majors: Biology
Minors: Mathematics

What brought you to Aquinas College?
The main things that brought me to Aquinas were the men’s volleyball team and the Biology program. I didn’t need to visit the campus to tell that Aquinas was going to be welcoming and helpful during my four years of college.

What is your favorite thing or favorite memory about Aquinas?
One of my favorite things I did at Aquinas was being part of Orientation and seeing all of the incoming students get ready for their college experience. Being anxious, happy, and even scared is part of the process but being there to help them get through is nice.

How has your experience at Aquinas shaped you?
It has made me a well-rounded man overall. I have become more confident in myself, my actions, and what it is I want to do in the future.

What do you hope to do after leaving Aquinas? What are your career goals?
Forensic science has been a passion of mine that I’d like to pursue. I'm interested in working in a lab conducting research, analyzing specimens, or even conducting my own experiments.

Is there anybody you would like to thank? 
I’d like to thank all of my professors (Dr. Humphrey, Dr. Flaherty, Dr. Hess, Dr. Bahl, Dr. Boyd, and former professor Dr. Peters) for being great mentors. Most importantly I would like to thank Sara Haviland. She has been there for me since day one and without her role at AQ not many of us would make it.

What advice would you give to incoming Aquinas students?
Don’t be scared to get involved in campus activities and try new things, that’s what college is for.

In your words, why is it great to be an AQ Saint?
It holds pride and honor to be part of a welcoming and nurturing environment such as the Aquinas community.

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